There is no cost to attend this workshop, however space will be limited so RSVP IS REQUIRED. To register for this workshop you must call the Brown County OSU Extension office at 937-378-6716 NO LATER than October 30th.
9:00 –9:30 a.m. Registration: Coffee and Donuts -provided by the Brown County Farm Bureau
9:30 –9:40 a.m. Welcome and Introduction –James Morris, OSU Extension Brown County
9:40 –10:10 a.m. Hemp Agronomics and Experience from the Field – David Appelman, University of Kentucky Extension
10:15 -11:00 a.m. Drip Irrigation and Plasticulture Demonstration –Dan Kamburoff, Columbus Irrigation Co. LLC
11:05 -11:20 a.m. Hemp Processing and Production –Steve Ayers, Acela CBD
11:20 –11:30a.m.Questions