Small Farm Management College Wilmington College, Wilmington, OH College
February 5, 12, 19 and 25th, 2025 Wednesday Evenings, 6:30-9:00pm 2025
Fee is $80 for the first family member Each additional family members is $40
Each family receives only one binder of resources.
Participants are expected to attend every session.
Click HERE for a copy of the printable brochure.
Session 1: February 5, 2025 Getting Started on Your New Farm Business
- Developing real-life expectations for your farm Assessing your property and resources
- Developing your family and farm mission, goals and objectives managing farm and family income and expenses
- What is a farm business plan and why do you need one?
Session 2: February 12, 2025 You Can't Measure What you Don't Track
- Recordkeeping for farm business
- Using enterprise budgets to project farm income
- Introduction to farm taxes
Session 3: February 19, 2025 The Legal Side of Farm Financial Management
- Legal structures for farms
- Farm leases and contracts
- Licenses and permits for selling farm food products Liability concerns for farms
Session 4: February 26, 2025 Money, money, money! The Financial Side of Small Farm Management
- Developing farm and family balance sheets
- Developing financial statements for your farm
- Farm financing options Developing your farm business plan
Details: This 10-hour small farm management college is designed to help landowners examine potential ways to increase profits from their small acreage properties. The program is open to all new or aspiring farmers, new rural landowners, small farmers. and farm families looking for new ideas. During this college, participants will be challenged to develop realistic expectations for their new farm business. They will receive information about getting started, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of their property and developing a farm business plan.
Deadline to register is January 31st! Payment options are on the last page of this survey.
Please direct questions to: Greg Meyer, ANR Educator - OSU Extension, Warren County ( or 513-695-1311)