New for 2018...any youth wishing to exhibit at the Ohio State Fair MUST complete Quality Assurance prior to June 10th!
For QA purposes an animal project will be defined as any animal project that is exhibited at the fair EXCEPT: Horses and Companion Animals: dogs, cats, and projects taken through the Pocket Pet project. If you are unsure if your project is required to take QA, please contact the Extension Office for clarification.
Test Out Opportunity: If a youth is 15+ as of January 1, 2018 they are eligible to take the test out option. They have one opportunity to pass the test each year; if they pass the test they are exempt from QA for the rest of their 4-H career. If you are interested in testing out, please contact the Extension Office to schedule an appointment to take the test.
Click here for 2018 Dates for Quality Assurance in Brown County and out of county opportunites.