This is open to the general public in Ohio. Last year we had 121 participants from 33 counties. I have attached the trial catalog with full instructions, vegetable descriptions and a form that can be printed, filled and mailed in for those not having internet access. The Trial website is and contains complete information about the trial. Participants can go directly to the registration site to place their order.
We are looking for people excited about growing vegetables in their home gardens and then letting us know what they think. Youth and adults are welcomed to participate. Each trial contains two varieties that you will grow side by side to compare throughout the season. You can select multiple trials. For each trial you will get:
• seed for two varieties
• Row markets
• A garden layout plan to prepare your rows or beds
• Growing information specific to the crop species you selected, including planting date, plant spacing, nutrient requirements, etc.
• an evaluation sheet
The cost is $3 / trial and participants can select up to 5 trials. Those with donation gardens can select additional trials.