January 14, 2020 - 2:56pm -- clary.42@osu.edu

Congratulations to Laura Wood! Laura was selected as one of four Ohio 4-H Members to be inducted into the Ohio 4-H Teen Hall of Fame.

We are extremely proud of Laura and all she has accomplished during her 13-year tenure as a 4-H member in Brown County. We can't wait to see what she does as she takes on the world as a 4-H alumni!

The Teen Hall of Fame inducts four teens annually who are between the age of 15 and 18 as of January 1st the year they are nominated. This award is to recognize those who have dedicated their all to make the best better in their club, community, country, and world. Laura will be recognized at the Ohio 4-H Conference on March 14th.

#browncountyproud #brownco4h #trueleaders #4hinspires #ohio4h #ohio4hteenhalloffame

Pictures of Laura Wood