Brown County 4-H Workforce Skills Contest

When: May 13th, 2024

Register by: May 6th

Youth will select an appointment time beginning at 4:00pm on May 13th. Interviews are expected to last 15-20 minutes. 

Where: Rhonemus Hall, Brown County Fairgrounds


The Workforce Skills Contest is designed for members to practice and demonstrate the skills needed in seeking employment. Each part of this event simulates real-world experiences that members will have when seeking employment and all aspects of life.

All information must be true and accurate; no fictitious information should be used. It is understood that you may not have the qualifications, education, certifications, etc. for the position you are applying for. You will be interviewed as if you have met all the requirements for the position.

Contest Information:

  1. Members must register for the contest online at: 
  2. Participants must select a job from the provided job descriptions for their respective age division and bring the following items with them to the contest.
    1. Cover Letter for the position you are applying for. The cover letter should be addressed to the individual listed on the job description you are applying for and should be relevant to the position.
    2. Resume following the guidelines for your age division.
    3. All documents should be printed single-sided on 8.5 x 11 paper with no less than 11 pt. font.

Resume Guidelines

Junior Division (8-11 as of Jan. 1)

Create a one-page resume that includes the following sections (if applicable). Make sure to include your name, 4-H club, and years in 4-H.

  • Projects Completed – List major 4-H projects you have completed and what you learned.
  • 4-H Participation – List 4-H activities, field trips, tours, community service
  • 4-H Awards and Leadership Positions – List any major awards you received or leadership positions such as offices and what you did in that role
  • Non-4-H Activities (school, church, community)

Intermediate Division (12-14 as of Jan. 1)

  • Create a one-page resume that includes the same sections as the Junior Division.
  • May include more out-of-4-H activities/sections if they are applicable to your skill development and the position you are applying for. Examples would include activities with other organizations such as Scouts, Church, etc.
  • References – should include three adult, non-family members who can speak to your skills and experience. These may be on a 2nd page if needed and should include full contact information.

Senior Division (15+ as of Jan. 1)

  • Create a one-page resume for the job you have selected.
    • Include any certifications you have received
  • 4-H participation/skills should be highlighted
  • References – should include three adult, non-family members who can speak to your skills and experience. These may be on a 2nd page if needed and should include full contact information.
  1. Interview
    1. Bring with you to the contest two copies of your cover letter and resume following the guidelines listed above.
    2. Participants should be dressed appropriately for a professional interview.
    3. Participants will complete a personal interview for the job they are applying for and have the opportunity to discuss their qualifications, make impressions on the interviewer(s) and ask questions about the company or the position.
  2. Participants will be evaluated on their cover letter, resume, and personal interview. These scores will be totaled and determine placings within each age divisions.

Scoring Guide

Cover Letter

25 pts


50 pts


200 pts


25 pts


  1. Awards: 1st, 2nd, 3rd places will be awarded in each age division. Top five in each division will qualify for the Ohio State Fair mock interview contest. All judges’ decisions are final.

Here are a few resources on writing a resume and cover letter:

Click here to download
this information as a PDF

Select a job from your age division to apply for and use it as a reference as you develop your cover letter and resume. 

2024 Jobs

Junior Intermediate Senior
Pet Photographer Coffee Bar Attendant SNAP-Ed Program Assistant
Story Time Assistant Landscape Laborer Research Farm Specialist
    Assistant Chef
    Design Engineer 1

Clicking on an age division opens a PDF of all the jobs in that division. Clicking on a job title opens just that job description. 

Thank you to the Brown County 4-H Committee for sponsoring this event.