Congratulations! Your fellow 4-H members have selected you to lead them as club officers this year. Being elected a club officer is both an honor and a responsibility. You represent not only your club, but the 4-H program in Brown County. Your skills and abilities, standards and ideals, grooming, speech, even your smile represents Ohio 4-H members. Representing others is one of your most important duties because you perform it at all times—not just while you are at 4-H events.
Go to 'Helpful Links' on the right side of this page and click on 4-H Club Officer Resources to find President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, News Reporter, Health, Safety, Historian, Recreation and Community Service officer books.
Go to 'Helpful Links' on the right side of this page and click on 4-H Club Officer Resources to find President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, News Reporter, Health, Safety, Historian, Recreation and Community Service officer books.
The following Officer Books are available by clicking on the title of each office:
Environmental (unable to upload - can obtain a copy through the OSU Extension Brown County office)
4-H Officer Book Judging
What do you need for your officer book
- President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer officer books should have a business-like cover. It should have club name, name of office, name of officer, and club photograph.
- News Reporter, Historian, Energy, Litter Control, Health, Safety, Inspiration, Recreation, Environmental, and Community Service Officer books should have club name, name of office, name of officer, and club photo. Cover can be decorated to carry out theme or ideas.
- President: Record of club activities, club constitution/by-laws, personal story about your office, where you obtained officer information, and photos pertaining to your office.
- Vice President: Record of club activities, club constitution/by-laws, committee reports, personal story about your office, where you obtained officer information, and photos pertaining to your office.
- Secretary: Club Constitution/by-laws, roll call/record of attendance, club minutes signed by President, personal story about office, where you obtained officer information, and photos pertaining to your office.
- Treasurer: Club constitution/by-laws, record of dues collected (if club has dues), monthly receipts/ expenses, summary or balance for annual audit (needs advisor and president signature), personal story about your office, where you obtained officer information, and any photos pertaining to your office.
- News Reporter: Club constitution/by-laws. Original clipping and articles, photographs, personal story about office, and where you obtained officer information.
- Historian: Club constitution/by-laws, brief history of club, original clippings and articles, photographs, personal story about office, and where you obtained officer information.
- Health, Safety, Energy, Litter Control, Inspiration, Recreation, Environmental, Community Service: All should include club constitution/by-laws, record of activities or reports during club meetings (pertaining to your office), photographs pertaining to office, personal story about your office, and where you obtained officer information. Handouts or literature given out should be included.
Officers’ books are judged based on overall neatness, accuracy, creativity and workmanship. Members, who are elected to more than one office, MUST make a separate officer book for each office. You may also submit an officer book at the beginning of the fair. A three-ring binder is preferred for each book to allow it to be displayed.