Pesticide certification is divided out into two groups, private applicators and commercial applicators. The license or certification for both groups is through the Ohio Department of Agriculture. The Ohio Department of Agriculture regulates the use of pesticides.
Private Applicator License Testing
A private applicator license is needed for farmers/producers who want to apply pesticides for their own use, thus they can’t apply pesticides for hire. In the case of private applicators the license is needed for “restricted” pesticides. When applying pesticides that can be purchased from any farm supply store, local hardware or a big box store, no license is needed unless the pesticide is restricted. Example would be using an herbicide to kill weeds like Roundup.
A commercial applicator license is needed for those applicators who apply pesticides for hire or on public property. Even pesticides that can be purchased without a license cannot be applied on public property like schools, churches, parks, etc. without a commercial license.
If you would like to obtain a license you will need to pass exams in order to do so for either private or commercial. The exams are given throughout the state. Locally, the tests will be given at the Old Y Restaurant. You must pre-register in order to take the exams. You may register by going to or call the Ohio Department of Agriculture at (800) 282-1955. There is no charge to take the exam, but registration is required due to space limitations each day.
Study materials are available at or by contacting your local Extension Office.
Private Applicator License Renewal
Once you receive a license, you must keep it current. Commercial applicators will need to attend re-certification classes through the state. Private applicators can attend local re-certification classes. James Morris can re-certify only private applicators, not commercial.
A private applicator license is good for 3 years and expires on March 31.
If you are up for renewal you will receive a letter from the Ohio Department of Agriculture about renewing your private applicator license. The cost for renewal is $30 (this is separate from the $30 fee for the 3 hour class). The $30 fee is to be paid to the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Please be sure to mail that payment to ODA along with any other forms that may be included in the mailing. Your license will be renewed once the $30 payment and all forms are returned to ODA and you have completed the re-certification program.
If you have questions you may call James Morris at (937) 378-6716 or e-mail